Importance of Janeu Sanskar Muhurat

Janeu, or yagopavitam, this ceremony has been celebrated from ancient times to mark the end of childhood; janeu is a cotton thread that comprises three layers of thread that deal with commitment and ideas of spirituality. The first layer shows commitment towards spirituality, the second layer symbolises respect towards parents, and the third layer represents the spiritual gurus who showed us the path and helped us reach the spiritual area. Every child gets two birth; one is when from the womb of the mother, and the second is when we get into the world of knowledge, i.e. Upnayanam. According to the Kurma Purana, one should do this ceremony for both boys and girls. Those girls who go through this ceremony are known as Bhramavadini. It is laid from the left shoulder to under the right arm, symbolising that a guru accepts the child as shisha, and he will guide him towards the right path. This is also known as the Upanayanam ceremony or Janeu sanskar muhurat 2023 in English.

What isThe Significance of the Sacred Thread Ceremony

In ancient times, when people were at a certain level of understanding and experience, somebody created a tool, a cotton thread with certain substances, that could be energised compellingly. It keeps one alive because one is still subsisting on some other people after the consecration. The Janeu comprises three threads which signify three ideals of Hinduism; the first thread symbolises commitment towards a spiritual path, and the second thread symbolises parents and their way of nurturing us, which no one should forget; this shows love towards parents. Finally, the third thread guides us to remember our spiritual teachers, who showed us the path toward spirituality and helped us pave the way.

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Janeu isn't just a thread; it's a spiritual thread that reminds us about the importance of the thread one carries on his left shoulder. Then, the Yagnopavi ceremony is performed wherein the person has to live as a brahmachari.

It is said that the left shoulder has a channel. According to ayurveda, that channel is known as Nadi; these are the paths of energy; like the perfect flow of blood and functioning of the body. It controls the left side of the body, and the right side of the brain, manages emotions and thoughts, it contains the intellect level as well. Therefore, it will enhance the analytical mind of the child.

How is the Janeu Sanskar Muhurat performed?

When this brahmin janeu ceremony is going on, certain vidhi must be performed before-

The head of the child is shaved (Mundan). Some sections of hair are left at the back, known as bodhi/Shikha or choti. After that knot is tied at that back so that pressure remains exerted at the back; the scientific reason for this is that at the back of the head, we have seven chakras namely Muladhara, svadhisana, Manipura, Anahata, visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara, the seventh chakra handles wisdom. The child offers worship to lord Ganesha and performs Yagya only under clothing. A janeu can only be won around the neck as a garland called niviti.

Muhurat for Janeu Sanskar

Muhurat plays an essential role in janeu sanskar; here is a detailed description of janeu sanskar. The child should look out for the perfect timing and day so that the janeu ceremony can be done positively and with many good things.

These dates are for upanayana dates and muhurat

Upanayana Mundan-ceremony

  1. January Muhurat
DateDayTiming (Muhurat)
22/01/2023Sunday22:28 to 3:21 AM 23rd January
25/01/2023Wednesday12:34 to 7:13 AM 26th January
26/01/2023Thursday07:13 to 10:28 AM
30/01/2023Monday22:15 PM to 07:10 AM Tuesday
  1. February Muhurat
DateDayTiming (Muhurat)
08/02/2023Wednesday07:05 – 17:28
10/02/2023Friday07:59 to 7:03 AM 11th February
22/02/2023Wednesday06:54 to 3:25 AM 23 February
23/02/2023Thursday1:34 – 2:56 AM
  1. March Muhurat
DateDayTiming (Muhurat)
08/03/2023Wednesday19:43 to 6:38, 9 March
09/03/2023Thursday06:38 to 5:57, 10 March
22/03/2023Wednesday20:21 to 6:22, 23 March
23/03/2023Thursday06:22 to 13:20
26/03/2023Sunday14:01 to 16:33
  1. May Muhurat
DateDayTiming (Muhurat)
10/05/2023Wednesday05:34 to 10:36
21/05/2023Sunday22:10 to 00:06, 22 May
22/05/2023Monday05:27 to 23:19
24/05/2023Wednesday05:26 to 03:01, 25 May
29/05/2023Monday11:49 to 04:29, 30 May
31/05/2023Wednesday20:14 to 01:49
  1. June Muhurat
DateDayTiming (Muhurat)
01/06/2023Thursday05:24 – 06:48
05/06/2023Monday06:39 – 03:49, 6 June
07/06/2023Wednesday21:51 – 22:23
08/06/2023Thursday05:23 – 18:58
19/06/2023Monday11:26 to 01:14, 20 June
21/06/2023Wednesday05:24 – 15:10

All these dates are auspicious Upanayana Muhurat.

The best gift for the thread ceremony is owl sculptures, as they are a symbol of success and fortune. This is considered an ideal gift for janeu sanskar muhurat, gold ring, chain or Since the thread ceremony is intended to open up the Boy's Mind and Intellect to the WISDOM - One can Gift Scriptures or Books of Wisdom - that will help to install principles of TRUTH and DHARMA in the young Boys Mind. Brahmin janeu is auspicious, and also, during urination, men fold the janeu around the right ear, as they are believed to increase memory and help one get rid of constipation. Therefore, during the yagopavati small children are told to lead their life as a brahmachari.

Upanayana Muhurat 2023

In Hinduism, Upanayana Muhurat for janeu sanskar is one of the meaningful ceremonies for boys of age 14-15 years to get towards the path of spirituality, which is one of the auspicious ceremonies, and Janeu thread ceremony is one of the sacred ceremonies. This scare is given to a boy who wants to devote his life to spirituality and turns into Brahmachari in a tradition known as Yagopavitam. It is done on an auspicious day, Gayatri Mantra: Janeu begins with Gayatri Mantra. There are three stages of the Gayatri Mantra. 'Tatsvituvarnrayan' is the first stage, 'Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi' is the second stage, and 'Dhio yo na: Prachodayat' is the third stage.

Mantra for Janeu Sanskar:

यज्ञोपवीतं परमं पवित्रं प्रजापतेर्यत्सहजं पुरस्तात् ।

आयुष्यमग्रं प्रतिमुञ्च शुभ्रं यज्ञोपवीतं बलमस्तु तेजः।।

Poite Ceremony

Poite ceremony which is celebrated in Bengal by Brahmins is a sacred thread ceremony to boys who want to devote their life as brahmachari.Those who have this ceremony must stay in a room for three to four days, and they can't look non-Brahmins and cook their food without using salt.

Benefits of doing Yagopavitam

The Gayatri mantra helps in protecting the vibration and filling them with positive energy; the thread ceremony blessed the boy with power and stability in life. The boy gets eligible to read Vedas and Puranas. This ceremony is one of the purest ceremonies and protects boys from evil and negative energy.

The sacred ceremony signifies -

The one who wears it should have good thoughts and actions and remember the debt owed by the guru and parents. Also, remember that Brahma is the world's creator, and everything will merge with him.

Mantra for Poonal change

Mantram for wearing Poonal:

1) Aachamanam: Shuklaam Bharadharam --- Santhaye

2) Om Bhoo ------Bhoorbhavaswarom

3) Mamo Partha samastha Kurita Akshaya dwara Sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha Smartha vihitha sadachara Nithya karmaanushtanaa Agatha sidhyartham Brahma Teja abhivrudyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye.

4) Yagnopaveetha dharana maha manthrasya

Epirrhema rishi (Touch forehead)

Trushtup Chanda (touch below the nose)

Paramathma devatha (touch heart)

5) Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyoga

Wearing Poonal should be worn by reciting mantra and tying it at the end of the right hand:

Yagnopaveetham paramam pavithram Praja pathe,

Yat sahajam purasthad aayushyam

Agriyam prathi muncha shubram yagnopaveetham balamasthu theja.

Upaveetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham,

Visrujami jale punarbrahman varcho deergayurasthu me.

The Munji ceremony in Marathi is the same as the janeu ceremony in which the thread ceremony brahmin asks the boy to lead his life as a brahmachari.


Brahmin thread ceremony is considered an auspicious ceremony as it brings luck and positivity into the life of children who go through this ceremony; there are many auspicious dates and muhurat which are mentioned above. But according to your planetary transit, one can know about the muhurat from InstaAstro. Janeu ceremony is considered an auspicious ceremony as it purifies the aura, and the one who chooses this path is told to lead their life as a brahmachari and read religious books which can favour them their entire life. Many mantras are associated, but Gayatri is One of the most popular and powerful mantras which energises a person with spirituality. They are told to shave their head as this is considered a new birth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The thread ceremony in Odia is wherein the thread is placed by brahmin on the left side of the shoulder. Different cultures have different names, but the thread ceremony rituals remain the same.
Janeu is worn on the left side of the shoulder as it builds pressure and helps maintain positivity. During urination, the thread is rolled around the right ear to save it from getting dirty; janeu comes with responsibility and an auspicious and spiritual nature.
Ganpati ji wears janeu on the left side of the shoulder, and scientifically, it has relevance carried by every brahmin and people who became Brahmachari.
This ceremony has been celebrated from ancient times to mark the end of childhood; janeu is a cotton thread that comprises three layers of thread that deal with commitment and ideas of spirituality. The first layer shows commitment towards spirituality, the second layer symbolises respect towards parents, and the third layer represents the spiritual gurus who showed us the path and helped us reach the spiritual area. Every child gets two birth; one is when from the womb of the mother, and the second is when we get into the world of knowledge, i.e. Upnayanam.
The three sacred threads of Janeu signify the three Goddesses- Parvati (strength), Lakshmi (wealth) and Saraswati (knowledge). In addition, there's a famous belief that wearing a Janeu will guard against negative energy or thoughts throughout your life.
Yagopavitam, janeu, munji in Marathi, odia in odisha and upananyanam are the names of thread ceremonies .
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